Par-baked pizza bases made with flour, yeast and oil. They are partially cooked through an impinger oven ready to be topped with any filling of your choice. They are available in 9" or 12".
The product is sealed in gusset-polyethylene bags (12 bases in each bag) packaged in a cardboard outer.
label instruction
Packaged date affixed on plastic bag. Label affixed on cardboard outer inclusive of use by date, store below 4°Celsius.
method of distribution
The product is shipped via a specially developed store-to-door delivery system and is intended to be refrigerated throughout the duration of its shelf life.
shelf life
The recommended shelf life of this product is 14 days under refrigerated conditions of below 4°Celsius.
intended customer
The intended customer is the general public excluding infants, toddlers and those with medical complications which would preclude consumption.